6 Things That Surprised me on My First Visit to Ireland

Ireland was on my travel bucket list, but I'm not going to lie, it wasn't top of the list. I always have what seems like a zillion other places I want to go to, and really I thought of Ireland as a place where old people go and pile into a tour bus as they navigate the crowds while they stand on sidewalks and take photos. Oh, and maybe they go to a pub and drink a beer while wearing a cozy sweater. I was blindsided by the rich history, stunning landscapes, and legendary hospitality, and it turns out, the perfect destination for an unforgettable adventure! Nothing could have prepared me for the reality of what this enchanting country had to offer. From the food to the music, the pubs to the people, the scenery to the adventure, Ireland is a place that surprises and delights at every turn. These are the six things that surprised me so much about my first visit to the Emerald Isle that I'm currently on my second visit because I just couldn't stay away!


My Top Three Overrated Travel Destinations

Travel is often portrayed as a glamorous and enriching experience, with endless social media posts and travel blogs painting a picture of perfect destinations where the reality often falls short of expectations. While every destination has its own charm, some places receive so much hype that they can leave travelers feeling a bit underwhelmed. I'm sharing my personal experiences with three destinations that, despite their global popularity, didn't quite live up to my expectations. Remember, this is just my experience, everyone travels differently and can feel totally different about an area.


The Magic of Returning to the Same Vacation Spot: Why Seabrook, WA is Our Family's Home Away from Home

In a world where the allure of new destinations and experiences is ever-present, there is something profoundly special about returning to the same vacation spot year after year. For our family, that place is Seabrook, Washington-a charming beach town that has grown with us as we've created memories, shared laughter, and watched our children grow up against the backdrop of its picturesque landscapes. Seabrook has become more than just a vacation spot; it's a place that feels like home, filled with memories that span the years and generations. And while Seabrook might not be "your spot", I want to dig into why it's important to return to a vacation destination, wherever that may be, for your family! 

returning to the same vacation spot

Practical Tips for Saving Big So You can Afford the Life You Really Want!

Saving money can often feel like a daunting task, especially when you are dreaming of big things like traveling the world and being financially free! One of my greatest skills is stretching a dollar and because of that, we've been able to pay off our home mortgage, send three kids out of state to college with no student loans, and have lived a Nordstrom life on a garage sale budget! I can't even say a Walmart budget because sometimes even that is more than I want to spend! I'm putting together a few practical strategies so that you can save more every day and make the dreams that you have a reality. Here are some actionable tips to help you save money without feeling deprived. 

practical money saving tips to live well on less

Day Hiking Essentials: Everything You Need to Know for a Safe and Enjoyable Hike

Day hiking is such a great way to get out and explore the great outdoors, get some exercise and experience the beauty of nature. And since we hate camping and have never tried backpacking because...camping, we have become the masters of a good day hike. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or just getting started, having the right gear, the right mindset and the proper essentials can make your hike safer and more enjoyable. In this guide, we'll cover everything you need to pack for a day hike, from clothing and footwear to navigation tools and emergency supplies. I'm sharing everything we've learned and love after clocking hundreds of miles hiking in the great outdoors!

day hiking essentials

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