Just yesterday, I was scrolling through Instagram and saw Joanna Gaines making a little announcement. OK, maybe it's not so little. HGTV has decided to give Joanna Gaines a little spin-off show of her own called Fixer Upper Behind the Design. Fixer Upper has easily become HGTV's biggest success with viewers who not only love the witty banter and loving way this couple relates to one another, but they are loyal fans who flock from miles away to visit a town on the map called Waco to a store named Magnolia Market that is dotted with a rusty hunk of metal silos. I have heard time and time again from people who say "I wish they would come and do my house!" There has even been a recent trend of people moving to Waco with the desire just to be a part of the show. What I find most interesting about this new spin-off show and what viewers may not know, is that when you agree to be on Fixer Upper, you agree to give up control of the design to the Design Team. Would you be willing to go all in with a budget for your dream home and give up complete control?

Giving up Design Control to be a Client on Fixer Upper
If I had a nickel for every time I heard someone say they wish they could be on Fixer Upper, I would be a rich woman. If you want to be on Fixer Upper you must be in the process of buying a home within 40 miles of the Waco, Texas area. Many homeowners have already purchased their home.
David Ridley actually looked at the home he bought a year prior to purchasing. The home was out of his price range and in no time was under contract with another buyer. As luck would have it, a real estate agent contacted him when it became available again after a failed contract and a price drop. He bought the home before applying to be a client on Fixer Upper. Rachel and Luke Whyte lived in their home for five weeks prior to starting the renovations for Fixer Upper.
You also need a renovating budget of at least $30,000. Most Fixer Upper clients have a much larger budget than that, but then come time to buy the furniture used in staging {you know you don't keep the furniture right?}, they find that they are tapped dry.
So about giving up your design control....This is taken directly from the Fixer Upper casting application webpage.
Although your house and renovations are your responsibility, you understand that you are hereby appointing the Design Team (Magnolia Homes) to make decision on your behalf while performing work on your home. While the Design Team will take your thoughts into consideration, you will have to accept that some final renovation choices may differ from your original decision or desires. Are you willing to trust the Design Team to make decisions and changes to your house, on your behalf, often without consulting you?
Prior to meeting with the Design Team {even as early as on the application}, clients are asked to submit design ideas, usually through Pinterest. You can see season 3 client Rachel Whyte's design board for her kitchen here. When I was chatting with Rachel a few month's ago sitting in her kitchen, she told me she really was pushing for gold hardware on her cabinets. She kept hinting and mentioning them to the Design Team to the point that she was a little afraid she was being annoying. But guess what, she got those gold handles.
Rachel Whyte via Country Living
You know what else you promise you won't do when you sign up for Fixer Upper? You promise to stay away from the home during the entire renovation process. No peeking! Not until you roll up with Chip and Joanna and face that massive billboard sized canvas on reveal day are you able to even get close to your home. This can be a challenge for some clients who want to peek, but most that I've spoken to, say they are true to their word and they stay away.
So while you do give up control of your design choices during your renovation, most clients know that their home is in good hands. The Design Team does their best to understand your likes and dislikes and the reveals on Fixer Upper after nearly four seasons seem to provide a pretty great proven track record for homeowners who are pleased with the remodel.
As a client though, there must be that nagging feeling like maybe, just maybe you won't get something your home that you were hoping for. And that could be a big deal because you are giving over a lot of control to a very large sum of money.
Who knows, maybe giving up control of the design process and of every little detail, is better for everyone involved. It might just take a little stress off of the clients during the process and will let them sit back a bit and have faith in the Design Team. Would you be willing to take a back seat, hand your money over and let the Fixer Upper Design Team take over on your dream home renovation?
This show might be a really interesting look at how Joanna and her Design Team create the beautiful homes we love to watch on the reveal. It might be interesting to see how much consideration they give for the homeowners wants and desires as well. What do you think? Will you be watching?
If you want to catch the exclusive interview I did with season 3 client Jaime Ferguson, you can read that here.
Considering a move to Waco, Texas? Here are some things you need to know.
And in case you missed it, I've got never before seen side by side photos of the flip that made the Fixer Upper stars famous.
What are you still doing here? Go read about Fixer Upper!
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My home needs a fixer upper, but my first reaction is NO.
Yes, if I could afford it I would gladly let Chip and Joanna take my home for a fixer upper. I Love how great it looks when they finish a home.
In a heart beat. Joanna reviews her plans for the structure before the start, you've already told both of them, your wants, need, and wishes. Joanna comes up with wonderful ideas that I could never have thought about asking. She will incorporate some of your things in her staging, so you're not left with a complete blank slate when the staging is removed. Unfortunately, I don't live near or around Waco. Think they should do a mercy run to NJ to my home.
I just came back from a trip to Fixer Upper heaven....Waco & Magnolia Market. I would turn Chip & Joanna loose without question.
I would say no. I feel like her stuff is all looking the same. Ship lap
gray walls and white trim with white cabinets.
She does such an amazing job, I have never seen a home she did that I didn't like~!
Whole house, I would say no. But a room? Yeah!
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