Jenny Craig-Stay on Track While on Vacation
1. Talk with your Jenny Craig consultant
2. Plan ahead
While my consultant and I were coming up with a menu plan, we also talked about my daily activity and any meals that might be a stumbling block. I knew I would be staying at a condo, so preparing my food wouldn't be an issue for me. It's always a good idea to plan ahead for any road blocks instead of stumbling while you are on vacation. This doesn't mean you can't indulge while on vacation, just the opposite. Planning with your consultant can help you factor in those indulgences.While on vacation I like to indulge in a daily coffee. I factored in my treat for the day and was able to still enjoy it even on my Jenny Craig weight-loss plan. My consultant and I looked at the calorie chart together and made substitutions to decrease the calories in my favorite drink so that I could enjoy this indulgence that really makes me feel like I'm on vacation. Your consultant is there to help you navigate life's more tempting situations so that you can still find success among them.
3. Plan for activity
While I consider myself a pro at beach sitting {if it were an Olympic sport I would take gold}, I also love to walk the beach and explore. I created a routine for myself to wake up before sunrise, walk to my local coffee shop and then continue walking on the shore until the sun rose high enough in the sky to need sunglasses. It a wasn't complicated plan but this morning walk alone helped me hit more than 30K steps a day and it didn't feel like work.4. Bring your Jenny Craig food
I'm not a heavy packer, especially in a warm weather climate. I really just need a few bathing suits, some cover ups and a pair of flip flops. I was gone for nearly five days and I was easily able to pack my Jenny Craig food and all the clothes and daily supplies I needed in a carry on suitcase. Many hotels and resorts have in-room microwaves so even if you aren't staying at a condo with a full kitchen, it should be easy for you to adapt.The flight is long, even for this west-coaster, so I made sure that I planned my meal for my travel days accordingly. I packed snacks, a salad and my lunch with me so that I wasn't temped to buy the high-calorie meal that was being sold on the plane.
Being serious about weight loss doesn't mean that you have to give up food that you love. There are more than 100 menu items made by over 40 professional chefs. You can enjoy good food that's on the plan even while you are away from home.
5. Be Flexible
There was a local grocery store that was within walking distance. I purchased a few of the Jenny Craig volumizing foods in the produce section but I had to be flexible. There are lots of items on the Jenny Craig free foods list so even if it's not something you have been eating normally, maybe give something new a try. Flexibility is key when you are traveling.
I can see how it would be easy to put off starting a weight-loss program if you have a trip planned. However, it could not have been easier to incorporate the Jenny Craig meals {plus some of my own indulgences} while I was on vacation and still remain successful. Life will always get in the way. There will always be an excuse that you can come up with. Stop making excuses and start changing your life!
I'm happy to report that after a month long reset on the Jenny Craig program, with a vacation thrown in, I was able to meet my goal weight. Don't think that if you just have a few pounds to lose that the Jenny Craig program isn't for you. It's exactly for you! It was the perfect reset that I needed and in just a few weeks, I was back at my fighting weight. My pants were fitting again and I didn't have a single apprehension slipping into that yellow polka dot bikini I brought along with me on my trip. So what are you waiting for?

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