Using Candy Hearts to make a Valentine's Day Cone Decoration

I made a stop at the dollar store and found some fun supplies that inspired me to make some valentine's day topiaries for that blank spot in my entry way. One bag of gummy hearts and another of conversation hearts and two Styrofoam cones and I was out the door with my $4 total.

I set to work on my conversation heart topiary. I started with my low temp glue gun, but really needed to upgrade to my industrial high temp glue gun instead. It seemed to adhere to the styrofoam better. I tried to make a pattern with the colors, but after about halfway through I found that my bag of conversation hearts had a disproportionate amount of green hearts so then my mission was to get those spread out without clumping them together. Hearts are an awkward shape and it leaves gaps that I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do with. I thought about glueing more hearts in the gaps overlapping hearts, but I didn't like the random dimension of it. Maybe if I did it completely to cover the cone again? For now, not being a perfectionist who cares, this is what I am left with, and for $2 and twenty minutes, I am happy with it...for now!

More to come on the red heart topiary. Not sure if it was a happy accident that I ran out of gummy hearts and only did half of it, or if I just need to head back and get another bag to finish the rest. Hmmmm...what do you think?
I think it turned out cute! The topiary was a little easier because they weren't all facing the same direction.
Very cute and festive! Thanks for joining the Valentine party today! Don't forget to link back :)
happy crafting,
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