How to Make Curly Korker Hair Ribbons

My daughter is nearly 8 and has never really been into hair thingies. Can you believe it's taken me this long into parenting a daughter to figure out how to make those little
korker hair bows? I mean really?! Where have I been. So if you are like me, and haven't figured it out yet, here's a little tutorial to help you on your way. They are so easy and for me, it was about using up some of the ribbon I had lying around anyway.

Here's what you need: Scissors, pencils (the longer the better), ribbon, and clothespins and later, a sewing needle and thread

Start at one end of your pencil, clothespin in place the end of the ribbon and start wrapping around the pencil until the end. Put your other clothespin on to secure that end, cut off any excess ribbon at an angle and place aside.

You will want to cook a bunch. More than I have on this cookie sheet, but these were the only clothespins I could scrounge up. Cook in your oven at 275 degrees for 25 minutes. Let sit for about 30 seconds, then unwind from your pencil.
Cut each piece into 3-4 inch sections.

Get out your sewing needle and put a knot in the end about 3-4 inches up.
See where my finger is, that's where the knot is.

Push your needle through the middle of the first ribbon and keep stacking the ribbons on top in the order you want them. Then once your needle is through, go back through as close to the initial spot as possible.
Then, take your two ends of extra thread and tie them together in a knot. I always tie a few times, then I use the extra thread to tie it on to whatever hair accessory my
korker is going on to. In this case, I tied it to a ponytail holder.

That's it! You can make them as full as you want them by adding more ribbon. Have fun with these!
This is a great idea! I never knew you COULD make korker hair ties.... I'll definitely have to try these out! Thanks!
They look super cute. I would never have thought to put them in the oven to curl the ribbon. Thanks for sharing this with us.
Thanks for the info on how to curl them! I had no idea!
I had no idea you could do this! Thanks for the tutorial!
Glad you linked up to Make it Yours day!
So you don't spray them with anything before baking? That has been the only thing holding me up! Thanks for the great tut and for linking up with Sugar and Spice.
Thanks for the straight-forward tutorial - I love how you used pencils! I just completed a pink korker hair ribbon and posted it on my blog with a link to you. THANKS!
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