How to Create a Reading Nook for Kids
Lucky for us, we already have a nice spot in the corner of our master bedroom. I know many families that have their master bedroom off-limits to kids, but we like to encourage our kids to come in and spend time in there. This chair though has seen better days. We purchased it about a decade ago and it's starting to show it's age.
My kids actually hate sitting on it because the cracks in the pleather {yep, nothing authentic about this chair!} pinch them as they sit in it. It's still a functional chair, it just doesn't look very pretty anymore {oh and it grabs you, so there's that!}, so I decided to fix it up a bit and I used MastaPlasta Leather Repair kit to patch the holes and stop the rips and tears from ripping and tearing more.
MastaPlasta is easy to use. Simply cut them to the size you need, peel off the back and stick them on. That's it! I patched up this chair in under ten minutes! I love being able to still use what I have, and MastaPlasta let me repair the rips and tears and move on with my life and now my kids aren't afraid of getting pinched when they sit in the chair.
After the holes and rips were patched, I found a comfy blanket to put over the chair. You want to create a cozy spot, so adding blankets and pillows to your reading nook is a must! You never know what position is comfiest for a kid, but you want to create a space that they will want to go to and spend time in.
If you have been watching any of my weekly coffee chats on Facebook live, you will know that we have set aside 3:30-4 pm every day as our reading time. We put aside our devices and curl up with a good book. Having time that's carved out each day will help you stick to a routine and make the time to read. If you join them, you also model that behavior for them too!

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