I have yet another backpack upcycle to share with you. My son started Kindergarten this year with a really cool messenger bag backpack that just isn't realistic for a five year old...although it is pretty cool. Anyway, I had my eyes peeled for a new *cheap* backpack for him and found this black one at a garage sale this weekend for $1.
I wanted a little bit of a Quicksilver graphic feel to it, so I immediately thought of my bleach pen. I grabbed it and set to work.
I even drew a few designs on paper just so I could get some practice doing some funky shapes.
I got all of the bleach on and thought it looked pretty darn good. I was excited to rinse it off and see the design. So I let the bleach sit overnight (about 15 hours)
and in the morning I washed it and guess what? Not all things can be bleached! You can faintly see some purple lines but nothing that stood out. I was so disappointed!
So I headed out to JoAnn's and grabbed a fabric pen for $2. That worked!
And I think it turned out pretty cool.

And if you missed yesterday's post, here's an action shot of my daughters upcycled backpack

I'm linking up here
I've had bleach do that before too. Some things are apparently bleach resistant. Another great backpack refashion
hmm...will have to upcycle a Goodwill packpack for the boy child next year...
I can't believe the bleach didn't work, I guess it only works when you have on your best black shirt LOL
How funny that the bleach didn't work! Apparently we don't give backpacks enough color-fast credit. :)
Happy Friday! Stopping by from New Friend Friday.
just Lu
What a great "green" idea. I love the backpacks.
Nice! I like the design!
My child once grabbed an open bottle of bleach I didn't realize he was tall enough to grab and poured it in a puddle and sat on it. Luckily, I caught him right away and he wasn't harmed. And surprizingly neither was his outfit, except that the embroidered stars were now white, not blue. You never know.
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