Have you entered the Three Munchkins giveaway yet? Don't forget! Now let's get started with Garage Sale Finds Friday.
Welcome to another week of Garage Sale Finds Friday where I show you some of my fabulous garage sale finds from the week. Ready to get started?
Nope, these aren't all mine, but I wish they were.

I sort of have a thing for Ball jars. The older the better. I got these two for $1 each. I also picked up that sweet little Squirt bottle for $1. It's old and it's cool.

I wish I had taken a before picture of this wire cage but I didn't. It was used as an Easter decoration with fake grass and a brown bunny inside. The dog ate the bunny, and I threw the grass away and filled it with some of my book page eggs. I paid 50 cents for the cage.

I also am in love with apothecary jars. I hope I didn't miss the trend on that one, but I think they are pretty cool.

Is it wrong that I want to find zillions of apothecary jars and fill them with candy that only I am allowed to eat?

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