It's been a few weeks, but I recently moved my oldest son into his first dorm room. My son decided to go out of state to college and is now more than 2000 miles away from home. It's not an easy weekend trip to pop up and bring any forgotten items from home, which is why I am glad I went with him to get him settled. There were a few items that came to light very quickly on after we moved him in and a few that have bubbled to the surface. Before he left, I created a list we used for packing that included all of the essentials. This was a bare bones list and included only the essentials.
Today, I'm sharing with you 10 things you never knew you needed for your college dorm room {but you do}. Some of these things are things you don't really need but that would be really helpful to have to make your life easier, and some of these things you will wonder how you lived without them.
1. Power Strip
2. Drawer Organizer
3. Wall Putty and Command Hooks
I don't know of any dorm that allows nails in the wall. Most of the walls I have seen are cinder blocks. Wall putty is a great way to hang up items on the walls and personalize your room and Command Hooks are a great way to utilize the space that otherwise might go unused.
4. Plastic Bags
5. Cleaning Wipes
6. Clip on Light
7. Lap Desk
8. Ironing Blanket
9. Door Stop
10. DormTopper Mattress Pad
I {probably selectively} forgot about dorm mattresses. They are plastic and hard and have seen gazillions of bodies on them through the years and well, they need a mattress pad on them. This image pretty much sums it up.
I saw the plastic mattress and immediately got on it ordering one of these DormTopper mattress pads for him. These DormTopper mattress pads are specifically made for dorm mattresses and are handmade with New Zealand wool, soy-based gel foam and bamboo quilting so that you can have the ideal balance of comfort and temperature control. But I gave it a few weeks before he got this little number in the mail because I want him to remember how much he loves and appreciates me and how he wants to call me on Mother's Day and my birthday. It's the little things.

A digital thermometer!
My son got Mono and Flu his freshman year (at the same school where your son is now attending school). When he called home to say he was not feeling well, I asked if he had fever...then I realized he didn't have a thermometer to check it. Luckily, I am only a 45 minute drive away and was able to get him one along with crackers, soup and 7-Up.
That's a great thing to add! I didn't have it added to my first aid kit either. I will have to make a little update! Thanks!
A sheet of heavy weight plastic (heavy plastic drop cloth). If your child's dorm has bunk beds (as my daughter's did), the resident of the bottom bunk gets to inhale lots of dust & other goodies every time the top bunk mate moves. Get a heavy weight plastic & cut it to size to place below the top mattress. My daughter also "lined" under the springs w/ fabric & batting (she tied it with heavy duty monofilament fishing line) and hung "curtains" on three sides. If your child needs regular sleep & the roomie is a frequent "all-nighter" black-out curtains or a EYE MASK would be a welcome aid to health & "world peace".
BED BUG/DUST MITE-PROOF MATTRESS COVER (under your suggested mattress topper) -- for your child's mattress AND the top bunk, too, if necessary. My daughter's roomie didn't see the benefit of one or couldn't afford it -- so we put it on & remade the bed when her roomie was at class.
LAUNDRY INFO SHEET (common stain removal, etc) & LESSONS prior to going away (if your kids don't do laundry, their senior year is a good time to start). My daughter's roomie took her dirty clothes home every month and never changed or washed her sheets, either. When the locker smell started creeping out of her closet into their room, my daughter taught her roomie how to do laundry.
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