week 1

It all started with the poster frames that are seen flanking the window.
I bought those at a garage sale 2/$3 brand new.
They started out a pine wood color, I painted them blue like the rest of the furniture.
I found two vintage posters that I liked
{the New York one is actually paper from Cavallini I got for $4}
add added those to the frames.
I wasn't planning on keeping this United States poster, but my son loves it and it is his room.
I didn't end up painting this dresser.
I have a few reasons why,
{it was the first piece of furniture we ever bought as a couple...it's been in every nursery for each baby we have had...it's in good condition...I didn't think it needed to be painted.}
I found a Phonetics alphabet print on-line for free
and this vintage United airplane at a garage sale for $8 from an old Boeing employee.
The wire basket was $1 and it has a vintage fire bell, pen case and movie reel canister inside, all purchased second hand.
It's hard to see, but there is also a vintage copper airplane up there too that I got at a garage sale for 50 cents.
Next to the dresser, I placed a faux gasoline canister that I bought from Hobby Lobby for $35,
a Flying Pig vintage print I found on-line for free, Owen's scrap monster that he designed and sewed
and a few knick nacks, again, things I found at garage sales for less than a dollar.
The pallet backed bookcase is still one of my favorite things I have ever made.
And next to it are a pair of faux binoculars that I got at Home Goods for $19.
On the opposite wall you will find Owen's bed and the newly mounted vintage airplane blueprint canvas.
I think it's really starting to come together don't you?
From the hallway, this is the view into Owen's room after week 5.
Well kudos to you Rachel :-) Your son's room is is looking great. I can't wait to see what else you have to add.
What an awesome bedroom! Your son has to love all the attention he's getting. His planes are so cool. I hope he loves it. Good luck in the final week!
Rachel, you're so creative with the wall art and the them of the room! You're making wish I had a boy! Good luck and I can't wait to see your big reveal! Only a few more days, we can do this!
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