Rolo Iced Coffee

I didn't start drinking coffee until I was well into my 30's. I didn't even like the smell. I do now. Obviously, something was wrong with me. Maybe I wasn't sleep deprived enough but after a while, the coffee culture in Seattle wore me down. Most pure coffee lovers will say this Rolo iced coffee isn't real coffee. It's more like a coffee milkshake and to that I say fine, let it be whatever. I like my coffee with a lot of milk and a fair amount of chocolate and there is nothing wrong with that. 

Trust me, living in the Seattle area I get the whole special drips and pours and pure roasts. This is not that. This is a fun iced coffee made with your favorite Rolo candy and it is fabulous. It is a dessert drink and it's delicious. There is nothing stuffy or hipster about it. It's just a fun way to enjoy a nice cup of coffee. I think you will enjoy it. Just don't take yourself so seriously!

brew coffee at home with these nespresso or keurig coffee recipes

Rolo Iced Coffee Recipe

knock off starbucks coffee drink recipe brew coffee at home with keurig or nespresso recipes

It was years before I liked a hot coffee. I'm always cold, but you will mostly find me drinking my favorite brew blended. I've since started drinking it iced and I have grown to like hot coffee. And in case you were wondering, I do indeed drink my hot coffee with a straw. Not because I'm pretentious, but because I spill on myself more often than not and that helps me stay clean from drips.

Most of all, I like my coffee with a lot of milk. There have only been a few brews that I've enjoyed black, one my brother brought back from Costa Rica and another I picked up straight from the factory in Zambia.

At home coffee brewing essentials

There is nothing fancy about my coffee routine at home. I brew espresso with my Nespresso and I make coffee in my Keurig.

I love having frothed milk and this electric milk frother is the best and it's lasted me far longer than any of the others I've had. Hands down, I'd recommend it.

When I brew cold coffee for drinks I brew it in a stainless steel pitcher like this one.

I don't have a fancy blender. In fact, the current one I am using is a Kitchen Aid blender I got for free at a garage sale. It was missing a part I was able to order for $4. It's worked out well for us.

If I'm feeling really fancy, I use a French press. I bought this at a garage sale and every single time I use it I have to google a video on how to use it. I obviously don't use it that often.

I buy my coffee pods at Grocery Outlet or at Costco. Sometimes I get them on Amazon {these are my current favorite Nespresso capsules}. I'm totally cool with instant coffee too! I'm not picky. Which is probably why I like to drown the crap coffee in milk and add chocolate. 

As you can see my system is not very fancy. But dang, look at this iced coffee. It looks fan-cy does it not?!

brew coffee at home recipes for nespresso or keurig copycat starbucks

Yield: 4
starbucks copy cat drink recipes

Rolo Iced Coffee

Use your favorite chocolate to create this delicious iced coffee drink you will enjoy!


  • 4 cups of brewed coffee
  • 1/2 package of Rolo's chocolate candies
  • Vanilla syrup
  • Milk
  • Ice
  • Whipped cream


  1. In a saucepan, melt 1/2 package of Rolo's with 1/4 cup of Vanilla Syrup, and stir until well blended. In a blender, add coffee, melted Rolo's, milk, and ice, and blend until smooth. Pour into coffee mugs, and top with Whipped cream, and Rolo's cut into pieces. Makes 4 servings.
Created using The Recipes Generator

starbucks copycat recipes at home to brew

Need a tumbler for your iced coffee? This is one of my favorite tutorials for making something all your own.

brew coffee at home

Want to try a DIY coffee scrub? Don't miss this recipe!

Give this recipe a try. I think you are really going to like it.

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