Let me Introduce you to Our Wonderfilled Life
A long long time ago (o.k. maybe not that long ago!)
in a pledge class above me, I met Kennedy. Well, really Michelle, but back in the day we were too cool to go by first names (yep, some people still call me Foster...it's gansta or something).
Through the wonders of Facebook, many of my sorority sisters from the Delta Zeta house are able to keep in touch with each other. Facebook gives us the chance to see lovely growing families, hear about weddings and births, job changes and moves.
Michelle is one of those people who I have connected with more on facebook than I probably did when we lived in the same house! I'm pretty sure my craft blog addiction (and the reason I ultimately started Holy Craft) can be blamed on Michelle.
Michelle is an amazingly creative woman.
She sews Little Marvels Capes
She does complete room makeovers in the middle of the night
She plans amazing birthday parties for her boys
Boys... that's right, did I mention that she has FIVE boys?! Yep, five of them! Four of them share a birthday.
How cute are they?!!!
Michelle to me, is the ultimate expert on all things boy. Just check out her Boy Wonder Toy Awards .
So if you didn't think Michelle was cool yet, get this. Before kids, she worked at Anthropologie in their home department (and in my opinion it's the best department there). Check out some of her insider tips .

Michelle is currently running a giveaway. She will be giving away three of her Little Marvels Super Hero Capes.
You can enter here . And while you are it it, stay awhile and check out the rest of Michelle's blog . I know you will love it!
1 comment
Rachel, thank you for putting so much thought into this post. Love it!!! It is really sweet!! I haven't had someone write so much about me {us}, a girl could get used to this!! ;) You rock Foster!! and you are pretty darn creative yourself!!! ;)
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